Today is extra lucky day !
ブログ 2022.1.11
Hi, everyone!
1.一粒万倍日(Ichi-ryuu-man-bai bi)
The meaning of ichi-ryuu-man-bai day is that you can get hundreds of times harvest from a grain of seed. So it’s believed many benefits are received from very little. It’s a good day to start a business, have your new car delivered, buy or start using a new wallet, buy a lottery ticket and so on. But don’t do bad things or get into debt since you may have to pay the original price hundreds of times over!
2. 天赦日 (Tensha-bi)
Tensha-bi is the day that the god will forgive all sins. It says It’s the most auspicious day for any activities such as starting new things in general, marriage, house-moving and travel.
「一粒万倍日」 は一粒のもみが万倍もの稲穂になるとされる吉日 (※注意! 一粒万倍日は、 借金やクレジットカードでの支払いには凶みたいです(;^ω^))
「天赦日」 は 天が万物の罪を赦(ゆる)す日とされる最上の吉日!
さぁ、新年の抱負(New Year’s resolution)はもう決めましたか?
ちなみに、宝くじ売り場は英語で、lottery stand といいます!
See ya!